Task Schedule

给了一串 tasks,不同的 task 可能属于不同的 type。这些 task 要放到 CPU 里运行,运行同一种 type 是要考虑一个冷却时间。 举个例子:thread 是 1,2,3,1 不能改顺序, 冷却时间 3,运行起来就是 1, 2, 3, _, 1 时间就是 5.要返回总运行时间 5.


  • 用 HashMap 来存储 <task, 时间>,遇到一个 task 就存到 map 里。

  • 下次先扫描 map,如果发现之前已经运行过这个 task,就看是否已经超过等待时间,需要继续等待。

  • 复杂度: O(n)

public class Solution {
    public static int taskSchedule(int[] tasks, int cooldown) {
        if (tasks == null || tasks.length == 0) {
            return  0;

        HashMap<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
        int slots = 0;
        for (int task : tasks) {
            // if task is already used or need to wait
            if (map.containsKey(task) && map.get(task) > slots) {
                slots = map.get(task);
            map.put(task, slots + cooldown + 1); // next available slot for task
            slots++; // used 1 slot for current task

        return slots;

Follow Up

Find the task that appears for the most time. Use a map to count the number of the times the task appears then get the maximum count.The result is decided by the maximum count and the number of tasks with maximum count

Two conditions:
(1)  5 4 _ _ _ 5 4 _ _ _ 5 4 _ _ _ 5 4  the rest tasks cannot fill the empty slots
     5 4 3 2 _ 5 4 3 2 _ 5 4 _ _ _ 5 4
the answer is (maxCount - 1) * (interval + 1) + CountOfMax
(2) 5 4 _ _ _ 5 4 _ _ _ 5 4 _ _ _ 5 4  the rest tasks cannot fill the empty slots
    5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 6 _ _ 5 4
the answer is the length of the nums
the task which does not have max count first fills the empty slots and then just insert any valid place
public class Solution {
    public int taskScheduleUnorder(int[] nums, int interval) {
        if (nums == null || nums.length == 0) {
            return 0;
        int max = 0;
        int countOfMax = 0;
        Map<Integer, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
        for (int task : nums) {
            map.put(task, map.containsKey(task) ? map.get(task) + 1 : 1);
            if (max == map.get(task)) {
            } else if (max < map.get(task)) {
                max = map.get(task);
                countOfMax = 1;

        return Math.max(nums.length, (max - 1) * (interval + 1) + countOfMax);


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